Java JUnit for Unit Testing with TestNG, Mockito, EclEmma
JUnit 4.0, Unit Testing, Automatic Software Testing using JUnit, TestNG, Eclipse, EclEmma, Mockito, and BlueJ
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Java JUnit for Unit Testing
This course is an introductory course for unit test and the unit test tool JUnit for Java programming language.
The topics in this course including the following:
(1) Overview of the course
(2) JUnit software installation on Eclipse and BlueJ
(3) JUnit test fixture, annotations, test case, test suite, and parameterized
(4) Unit Test Strategy: white box testing techniques are discussed for
students to gain in-sight understanding of how a test case should be built for
unit test.
(5) Unit Test/Integration Test/Functional Test Strategty: black box testing
techniques are used for these tests. JUnit can not only support unit test.
It can also be used to support integration test and functional test. Black
box testing techniques are discussed for these tests. EclEmma is
introduced for code coverage.
(6) TestNG API: TestNG is the next generation test software (API) which is
inspired and can be co-operated with JUnit to provide more robust unit test and
higher level test.
(7) Mockito API: Mockito can work with JUnit and TestNG as a very powerful
API to support testing mechanism using mock which allows many test patterns
involving simulated test, test with substitutes such as dummy, fake object, spy,
stub and others.
Software Used:
JUnit, TestNG, Eclipse, BlueJ, Apache Maven, Mockito, EclEmma, JaCoCo
Your Instructor
Eric Chou, Ph.D.
He obtained his MS and PhD degree from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. His technical fields is focused on smart sensory information processing, machine learning, optimization theory, communication and VLSI design.Currently, He is an adjunct faculty member in the On-line M.S. Computer Science/Data Science Programs at Lewis University, IL. He is also running a start-up company.
He love computational research and its application to real world. i have involved in many large-scale computer/communication product research development in many world-leading company such as HP, Micrel, and many startups. I also involved in founding a startup company. I also enjoy sharing my ideas through teaching. I hold many US and international patents in technical fields such as software development, mobile computing, IC design and communication receiver design. I am also a certified coach in Taekwondo in both UAST and AAU.

Course Curriculum
PreviewJUnit API (9:35)
PreviewWny BlueJ? (13:37)
PreviewSet Up JUnit Test Classes (7:22)
PreviewRunning Tests and Interpreting Test Results (8:07)
StartJava 8 Standard Edition Installation (Stand-Alone Version) (7:43)
StartEclipse IDE Installation (15:14)
PreviewSetup Eclipse for JUnit Test (9:42)
StartLibrary (zipped files) for Eclipse Users
StartHow to master Java Programming?
StartChapter 2 Quiz
StartWhat is a fixture? (9:29)
StartJUnit Framework (11:57)
StartJUnit Annotations (10:09)
StartFlow Test (8:20)
StartIgnore Test (2:14)
StartException Test (8:19)
StartTime Test (2:53)
StartSuite Test I (Eclipse Basic Text Fixture) (2:43)
StartSuite Test II (TestFrameWork in Eclipse) (3:02)
StartParameterized Test I ( (9:43)
StartParameterized Test II ( (5:30)
StartChapter 3 Quiz
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